Over this weekend partnering with various other christian groups we setup a booth offering free prayer and healing as part of an outreach into Northbridge, Perth. The event was amazing and God healed, restored & changed many people’s lives over the weekend. Here are few of the testimonies…

Lucy’s knee’s was healed after prayer. The people praying felt a grinding in her knees while praying and after she said she could feel a definite change.

Justin came for healing of his back pain, he has previously been on 60 pain killers a day for the extreme pain. After commanding healing and no immediate result one of our team members asked Justin if we can check the length of his legs out as she believes one is shorter than the other. Sure enough one of his legs was longer and we continued commanding that leg to grow and to Justin and our shock the short leg shot out to the same length as the other. Justin was totally blown away by God’s love and was freaking, saying “that is too weird, I felt it grow out, I felt it grow!” Justin completely amazed and full of joy expressed his thanks to God. Soon after we found Justin had shared his testimony with his YWAM friends and over came 3 other people needing healing and all were healed as detailed below.

Frasier has been suffering from back pain for 22 years and after looking at his leg, we discovered it was over 2cm shorter than the other. His leg incredibly grew out and stood to find no pain and no more restriction in movement.

Linda came to us with lower back pain and after praying a couple of times the pain was completely gone.

Amy was suffering from a sprained ankle that had not healed properly it was still swollen and quite stiff. After prayer all the stiffness was gone and she was completely blown away.

Another girl who had pain while breathing, suffering from asthma received prayer and all pain was gone!

Sam came to us with pain in his knees due to lack of cartilage, after prayer his knees felt completely better.

Amy came to us with ear infection that was causing so much pain she couldn’t even touch her ear. After prayer most of the pain had left her ear.

We prayed for Nathan with a rare disease where he is allergic to cold water, after exposure his skin flares up with rashes and irritation. We believe next time he is in cold water there is no reaction!

A lady named Elizabeth received prayer for spasms in her stomach as well as peace over her life and salvation to her family.

A man name Greg came for prayer but didn’t say what he wanted prayer for just pointed at one of our team members and said that God will give you something for me. At the time we didn’t have anything, but as we were praying words of knowledge were spoken over Greg about his mother which clearly pin pointed the area God was wanting to restore. The man was emotionally overwhelmed and transformed by the love of God.

Another lady came to us with one leg shorter than the other. She had received prayer for it before, but it seems to always go back to the way it was before. Her leg grew out to normal length!

Max came to us because of an ear infection and after prayer he could hear much clearer and not only that he also found his vision had remarkably improved.

A lady came in with a skin condition and depression. We shared testimonies with her about people being completely freed from the heaviness of depression and after prayer she was encouraged feeling much lighter and believed that she had been set free from it.

Prayed for a lady who’s jaw clamps shut and pulls to the side when she has been doing a lot of speaking and although there was no way to test it at the time she felt weird sensations all through her face. God was definitely up to something! We believe she is completely healed.

Joseph received prayer for his eyes, after being diagnosed with glasses the previous week, after commanding his eyes to focus and be restored his eye sight began slowly improving bit by bit.

Over the 2 days we prayed for over 20 people and saw at least a vast improvement in their condition. 90% were totally healed on the spot! The rest we believe will be completely restored over the next week.

Jesus truly is the most awesome person in the world! He is alive today and always willing to pour out his love and goodness to ALL people.
