Keely came to us with leg, hip  and foot pain, she was also suffering with shoulder pain. She knew she had one short leg and when we measured her it was almost 2 cm short. As we prayed she began to shake, her leg grew out and her pain left. “I’m healed she cried”

Peter arrived with severe back pain and one leg 1cm shorter than the other.  After prayer Peter’s Leg grew out and he felt much better, came back later said he still feels good even after hours of walking and sitting.

Antoniette came feeling very skeptical, “not sure if there even is a god?” she was suffering with stomach cramps, allergies and had undergone a hip replacement that had left her with constant leg pain as well as a 2 cm shortened leg  As we prayed  she felt heat in her leg and warmth running through her whole body, we then prayed for her leg to be restored … and it immediately grew out by 2cm …  after she said “I just feel lighter and happier and wow, the pain in my is  leg completely gone, there must be a God” … yeah there is !!
