Perth Conscious Living Expo


Since 2010 Freedom Life have been involved in the Perth Conscious Living Expo. As a community that is committed to seeing the eradication of every form of spiritual, emotional and physical oppression, we train and equip a team of volunteers each year to man a booth in the expo offering free Divine Healing.

Over the years we have had opportunity to pray for hundreds of people in searching for much needed answers. We have seen the vast majority leave our booth we a significant change to their life. Many have been healed of physically ailments ranging from migraines to short legs growing, nightmares stopping, broken bones being fixed, hearing completely restored and loads of back pain totally disappearing. People with very real emotional issues and struggling with depression left us with a new found joy and hope. The most common response from people who have been into the booth and been ministered to by the team is the overwhelming sense of genuine love and care.

We are super excited about the upcoming expo this year. Every year God blows us away with the amazing miracles he does in the lives of amazing people.

For more information about the Conscious Living Expo click here.
