In a number of surveys over the last few years people were asked the fundamental question “Why does the church exist?” Over 85% of people responded with the same basic answer. “the church exists to meet my needs and those of my family” This perception extended to meeting friendship, social entertainment and emotional needs, for some there was an expectation of meeting their physical needs— “the church should have a gym where we can all get fit !” Others had an expectation that the church should also met their financial needs. Only a small percentage defined the church’s role as a spiritual one. Less that 10% believed the church existed to reach the unsaved. Friendships and fellowship are key to the health of every church, the church should be a place of peace, comfort and FUN. However these things flow out of something much deeper. They are established through a set of common beliefs, vision, goals and desires. The pursuit and realization of a common purpose is what binds people together. When that purpose is lost, forgotten or distorted in some way, fragmentation can occur. There are, as these surveys show, a myriad of expectations that people may have that can easily cloud our true identity and purpose. Scripture is our plumb line, it’s what provides us with our vision and our values, the Godly principles that we hold to. That vision, principles and values provide the shared roadway on which we travel together to exert influence in the world around us. Jesus is our model, he is our example and his words should be the loudest in our ears.

So what did Jesus say? How did he live?

We find the essentials in 3 portions of scripture.

1. The Great Command—Matthew 22:37-40 ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ …. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ – a love for God is demonstrated through a lifestyle of worship, a love for his Word, his church and his people. We exist for His glory and to declare his glory in loving ways to those who don’t yet know him. That’s what Jesus did, he loved, healed, embraced and showed compassion to all.

2. The Great Commission—Matthew 28:19-20 go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Every church is defined by what it is committed to, our commitment is to make disciples, people passionately in love with Jesus who want to change the world around them.

3. The Great Involvement—Ephesians 4:16 the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Our destiny is found as we invest ourselves in God’s plan. We each have been gifted with amazing talents and abilities, no matter how deeply buried you may think they are, the truth is they are there. It’s in our journeying together with a common purpose that these much needed gifts can flourish. We need each other –we have a destiny together displaying the true church that brings Him glory.

