The fundamental question that lurks within every person , the question that often eats away at people’s hearts is “Who am I ?” Finding one’s identity is perhaps one of the biggest challenges people face. We live in a society that is in turmoil when it comes to identity. We know we are human beings and part of the human race, we may take on the name of our nation or our job or career to identity ourselves. Others join clubs or gangs in order to find who they are often succumbing to peer pressure in order to belong.

As Christians we know we are part of God’s wonderful creation, in fact we stand at the pinnacle of his creative work. Yet the question is just as valid for us as believers. The answer however is found in another question— “Whom am I in Christ Jesus ?” If we cannot answer and gain revelation of this basic question, we will find ourselves battling insecurity, fears and even depression. The old song line “looking for love in all the wrong places” equally applies, we can look for identity and purpose in all the wrong places, alcohol, money, drugs, sex, any number of other activities— The truth is the answer is found only in Jesus. It’s our position of being found securely and eternally positioned in Jesus that gives us confidence for life, for only in him do we find our true identity. If we see ourselves as insignificant, our lives will eventually reflect what we believe. But when revelation comes of who we really are we are catapulted into a life of purpose, freedom, joy and peace.

We are not defined by what we do, our careers and vocations are not who we are, they are simply activities we engage in. our value therefore does not come from these abilities or achievements, our value is found in Christ’s atoning sacrifice for us.

1 Peter 1:18-20 says For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold orsilver. He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. And he did this for you. Our value was determined before we were even born, the most valuable commodity in all the universe was given for us, that makes us significantly important. You are not a product of evolution nor are you a mistake, you are a child of God, with the full rights of heaven.

You are :- chosen — valuable — significant — precious — a saint — child of God — a conqueror — triumphant — victorious — champion — blessed — a New Creation — Salt & Light — Treasured Possession — the work of His hands — highly favoured—YOU are HIS
2014 is yours for the taking—may it be your best year yet.
