Ephesians 3:10-11 “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to His eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord”

The church has a clear assignment, we are to exhibit the multifaceted wisdom of God, now! It must permeate all we are and do. This neglected element is at the heart of our call to disciple nations. It is part of the “witness” that turns people’s heads in the same way as the nations were impacted by Solomon’s wisdom. The spirit realm is watching, and more importantly, is affected by such a display. They must be reminded of their defeat, our victory, and the Father’s eternal plan for the redeemed. It’s our connection to wisdom that clearly manifests our eternal purposes of reigning with Christ. When we walk in wisdom, we mirror the reality of Heaven here on earth and we actually give Heaven a target for invasion. In the same way agreement with the devil empowers him to kill, steal and destroy, so agreement with God releases God to accomplish His purposes in and through us to the world around us. This is the reason He made humanity His delegated authority on this planet. A reformation has begun. And at the heart of this great move of the Spirit is the total transformation of the people of God as they discover their true identity and purpose.

Many are discouraged because their dreams have failed. In their pain and frustration they oppose the message that a believer has the right to dream. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick…” but the verse doesn’t stop there and neither should we: “…but desire fulfilled is a tree of life” Prov 13:12

Here is a higher reality: when people pursue dreams but fail to see them fulfilled, they prepare the way for others who carry the same dream to eventually get the breakthrough that they were seeking. It is hard for many to take comfort in this thought, but that’s because we usually think it’s all about us. There is no failure in faith. Those with failed dreams can take comfort in the fact that they prepared the way for others. The failed attempt at a dream often becomes the foundation of another person’s success. Some
water, others plant, and still others harvest. We all have an important role to set the stage for the King of Kings to receive more glory. (an extract from Bill Johnson’s book— “Dreaming with God”)

We at Freedom Life have the opportunity to build and reap a harvest on the dreams of others who have gone before, lets own those dreams and vision together.
