February is our Vision Month, perhaps one of the most important times in our calendar this year. We read in Proverbs 29 “without vision the people perish” the NIV says “cast off restraint” In other words they go wild, living with no purpose other than to please themselves. As Christians we belong to another, Jesus paid the ultimate price to redeem us, we are now His. He has given us the privilege of partnering with Him in the affairs of this planet. He doesn’t treat us as slaves but as sons and daughters entrusted with the responsibility of transforming the world around us.

It’s a sad thing to see so many people trudging through life with no real sense of being or purpose. Life is reduced to a mere pleasure seeking self centeredness, they become the centre of their own universe. Even Christians can be trapped in this diminishing world. It is true that the mundane-ness of life with it’s every increasing pressures can rob us of joy if we let it ! – – and God wants us to have fun and enjoy life. But for those who have allowed the heart of God to infiltrate and permeate their being, they pulsate with a passion to see the will of God fulfilled in their communities, towns, cities and nation. Being a part of seeing the Kingdom of Heaven invade someone’s life, bringing freedom, transformation and hope,
brings real joy and fulfillment.

As we journey through this coming year, we will face a number of challenges, but we do so together, that’s what a Christian Community does. Supporting, praying, loving, caring, urging and encouraging one another, living out Paul’s words of exhortation from Ephesians 4:1 “to live a life worthy of the calling you have received” There is no doubt—God has called each of us to be a part of this local church, he has a plan and a purpose for us as individuals and as a community. Understanding and being able to implement that purpose is imperative. Without an ability to comprehend and practically apply that vision we achieve little. I believe each of us has a responsibility, if we say we are true disciples of Jesus, to both articulate and play our part in the fulfillment of that vision. True success can never be achieved unless we all take personal ownership of what God has called us to. At present we are fulfilling a very small slice of God’s plan. Our desire is to grow into a more effective
Church body that reflects the goodness of God in every aspect of life. In our fun and fellowship, our spiritual growth and maturity, our outward thrust into the community to see people saved and healed, and our influence in bringing the freedom of God’s grace to all.

Over these next few weeks we will discover the detail of how, why and what we desire to see—- all aboard for an exciting journey!!
