Some 2000 years ago two events took place that changed the world. In fact all mankind’s history revolves around these two events. Of course we know them as the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Once again we are at that time of year where people around the world stop to celebrate the birth of Jesus. For many it’s merely a holiday season with no thought of the significance of Jesus birth. For others it is a deeply spiritual occasion. The reality is however that we do not worship a baby in a manger, we worship the risen living King. It is not a cute baby who can save us, heal us or lift us from the depths of despair. It’s the Anointed One, the Christ, the One who came to sacrifice his life for ours. Without his birth that ultimate sacrifice could never have been made, for it was a man (Adam) who rebelled against God and so set mankind on a path of sinful destruction and separation from God. It would have to be a man, a perfect man, untainted by Adam’s sin to restore mankind’s fortunes, to restore all that Adam lost, including his authority in the earth, but most importantly to restore man’s relationship with his creator. John in his Gospel tells us that Jesus, being God, came to earth in the form of a man. A God-man, one qualified to deal with man’s sin, qualified to offer the Gift of Eternal life, qualified to wrest back all man’s lost authority and disarm the one who for centuries had held illegitimate control.

The Christmas celebratory period is an acknowledgement of the coming into this time space world a Saviour. Jesus came not simply to heal a few sick people, perform a few astonishing miracles and then die. He came to restore mankind to God, that we would not just know about God, but that we would KNOW Him, personally and intimately. Christianity is not a religion, it is not a system of religious rule keeping – it’s a relationship. It’s not a brief introduction, it’s an on-going growing, developing friendship with the living God. Paul the Apostle’s deep desire was “to know Christ and the power of his resurrection”.

As we come into this Christmas season, as we gather with family and friends, let us also give time to continue to nurture the greatest friendship we can know. Our fellowship with Jesus. Let’s share his love, his grace and his goodness and introduce those of our family and friends who don’t yet know Jesus – to the greatest Gift they will ever receive and to the greatest Friend they will ever know.

To all our Freedom Life Family – thank you for your service and devotion to our King and Saviour – and to this Body. Have a wonderful Christmas break – all our love and appreciation.
