Over the past while we have been looking again in our series “THIS IS US” at some of the things that we hold dear as a local church. The values that give us our own unique flavor and establish our priorities. Much of what we do revolves around seeing these values fleshed out in some practical way so that our Christian life is not some ideal but that it has reality. People often talk about the need for Vision, how vision gives purpose and should energize us to keep moving forward. The Christian life must look like something and any effective church is one where ALL the people have embraced and are working toward fulfilling ALL the Vision. Here’s a quick recap: FREEDOM LIFE –

A Church of GRACE – where everyone understands they are unconditionally loved, forgiven, accepted, cleansed, justified and made right with God, not through human effort but through the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf.

A Church of GLORY – we have been made to know and experience the tangible glory of God, to see His power released among us, that every believer has been created to carry and demonstrate the miracle working power of God as His agents on earth.

A Church with GUTS – we live with a tenacity, patience and endurance despite difficulty and challenge, passionate and unashamed in our worship and devotion to Jesus and His Kingdom.

A Church who GATHER – a heart for the lost, we exist to see others respond to the Good News of the Gospel, a loving, healing community, gathering together as a voice and example of God’s love and goodness.

A Church who GO – our mandate is to go into all the world, to break free of the confines of the 4 walls and spread heaven’s atmosphere everywhere we go.

A Church who GROW – both numerically and spiritually, every person maturing to become more like Jesus, growing in their gifts, confident to minister the life of God to others. A Church that grows and builds itself up in love as each one plays their unique part.

A Church who GIVE – a servant hearted people who joy in giving to God and to others, a heart of generosity with our time, talents and resources, we see $$ as a tool to bless others and further the Kingdom, our abilities, skills, talents and gifting as coming from God to serve Him and His purposes.

A Church of GOVERNMENT – Godly order with spontaneous life, not religious dogma or dead tradition. A Church led by servant hearted leaders who release others rather than control.

A Church of GENERATIONS – no generation gap, a people who invest into raising a future generation who honour and serve God, youthful enthusiasm with experiential wisdom.

If you’re a member of Freedom Life I encourage you to acquaint yourself with these values, see yourself as an integral part in seeing them manifest and fulfilled in and through us as a local Church. If you missed out on any of these messages please go to our podcasts and have a listen to them. They will do you good!

God Bless – Tony
