Sometime ago God spoke to me about seeing and sustaining the Supernatural glories of heaven manifest among us. This has been a deep desire of mine for many years and something I believe we at Freedom Life are destined to see. As I have continued to pray and seek this, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me that two critical factors are faith and humility.

Faith for the Christian is as essential as the very air we breathe. Without faith we cannot see the glories of heaven manifest on earth. However the nature of faith is understanding it is not of ourselves but of God. He is the author, activator and perfecter of faith. True faith therefore operates from an attitude of humility.

Of all the virtues Christ commended in the Beatitudes, it is significant that the first is humility, being “poor in spirit” (Matt. 5:3). that underlies all the others. It’s an understanding that we cannot do anything without relying upon the Holy Spirit. Paul also understood this when he told us to have the same attitude of Jesus, one of humble servant-hood. (Phil 2:)

You cannot mourn (Matt. 5:4) without appreciating how insufficient you are to handle life in your own strength. That is humility.

You cannot be meek (Matt. 5:5) unless you have needed gentleness yourself. Knowing that need is humility.

You cannot hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matt.5:6) if you proudly think of yourself as already righteous. Longing to fill that spiritual appetite demands humility. In a parable that Luke recorded, a humble tax collector prayed, “God, be merciful to me a sinner!” He went away justified, unlike a proud Pharisee who boasted of his righteousness (Luke 18:13).

You cannot be merciful (Matt. 5:7) without recognizing your own need for mercy. Jesus said that it’s the person who is forgiven much that loves much (Luke 7:47). To confess your sin and ask God and others for forgiveness takes humility.

You cannot be pure in heart (Matt. 5:8) if your heart is filled with pride. God promises to exalt the humble, not the proud (James 4:10).

You cannot be a peacemaker (Matt. 5:9) if you believe that you are always right. To admit your own fallibility takes humility. Peace results when both warring parties move toward each other.

Finally, identifying with Christ no matter what the reaction of others (Matt. 5:10–12) demands a certain death to yourself and a renunciation of your own rights. Standing up under persecution demands Christ-like humility.

What develops humility? Understanding God’s Unconditional love for us, Knowing who we are in Christ, Living healed from the rejection of others and becoming reliable and faithful in our service with a desire to see others blessed. We cannot minister to others if our concern is just about us looking good, our ego will never release or sustain a move of God. Faith & Humility are the key ingredients, let us give ourselves to develop these characteristics of Christ-likeness and be amazed at what God will
do. God Bless
