As a teenager my passion was music and in particular the guitar. Every night I would come home from school, lock myself away in my bedroom and spend hours teaching myself how to play. That passion led me to play in a number of bands, but I found myself drawn back to play in church time and time again. There was something different about “playing for the Lord.” I was given the privilege of leading a Worship Team, although for the first year I did not actually lead worship myself as I felt I did not have a voice, nor the confidence to do so. Play music – yes, lead worship – no.

It was not until I met Rob Rufus that I began to understand that worship was not merely “Church music” or something we did out of tradition, but rather worship is a passion for intimacy with God himself. Rob’s desire for everyone to come into and experience that realm of glory was the catalyst for me in discovering what true worship was really about. The opportunity for face to face communion with the Father. The reality of the tangible presence of God being made known, set me on a quest of discovery that has led to encounters of manifest glory, at times where I have felt such peace, joy and love that words fail to describe the experience. There have been times where not only has this been an inner feeling, but also where my whole body has felt the touch of God, sometimes tingling, other times shaking and even having gold dust appear on my hands and face.

Next month we have the privilege of having my dear friend of some 27 plus years with us at Freedom Life. Rob is a man who carries a powerful anointing, he is one of those unique individuals who carries a high octane mixture of Apostolic – Prophetic – Evangelist – Teacher gifting. Jesus said that “if you receive a prophet with honour, you will receive a prophets reward” This is not limited to the literal Office of a Prophet, rather it is speaking of honouring all those appointed by God with an Apostolic – Prophetic anointing. By receiving such men with honour, we become partakers – or recipients of their reward. They not only help to reveal truth, but they also activate that reality within us. This is what I believe is meant by receiving their reward, something of their anointing is deposited within you. How do you receive it ? Honour them by acknowledging who they are, accepting what they have to give, and applying it so that it bears fruit.

This will be a time not to be missed – I exhort all of you, come along and be blessed, tell your friends – drop off some flyers. Let this be an extraordinary time of encountering God and going deeper.
