2000 years ago God’s unfailing love for us caused an eternal plan to be enacted on our behalf. The coming of Jesus Christ, who was born in a humble stable, became the sacrifice for us all and this cosmic event displayed the love of God in a way nothing else could. Romans 5:5 says “God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us”. Think about this incredible truth – God has poured out His love not only upon us, but into our very being. Remember God himself is love, He does more than just show affection or concern, Love is the very essence of His being. That means that God has in fact poured himself into our hearts. We have become the place of residence for God, a constant experience that changes our very nature, character and lifestyle.

Love is more than the flimsy ever changing emotion that we are perhaps familiar with. Biblical love, God’s love, is a powerful life giving force that changes lives and nations. 1 John 4:11 declares “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another”. Jesus on several occasions proclaimed a new commandment “to love our neighbours as ourselves”, but he didn’t stop there, he also declared that we should “love our enemies”. Galatians 5:6 says “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love”. As Christians, our love for God is to be expressed in tangible ways, it has to look like something.

As Christmas approaches people everywhere are reminded of the value of family and friends, others may feel a “religious” twinge and perhaps go to church for their one time of the year. As we enter this time, where holiday preparations are made, work winds down and other festivities and celebrations organised, it does us well to be reminded of the power of true love, not mere human feelings but divine love given from above.

Let’s be His Church this Christmas season, let’s be captured again by His first love, His great gift of salvation and grace. And I encourage you to be His love to the world around you. Share the good news with family and friends and invite them into His love. Thank you all for a great 2019 and ask that you run with us in 2020 for a year of tremendous glory and grace like we have never seen before.
