This past month Freedom Life manned a booth at the Conscious Living Expo offering divine healing. This is the third year we have gone in among the psychics, mediums, healers and help yourself programs to demonstrate the love of Jesus. We had a fantastic time and we would like to thank every person who came to the Claremont Show Grounds, giving of their time to minister to others. This year 26 believers came in and together we laid hands on and prayed for approximately 180 people searching for answers. Once again we watched as countless backs, necks and shoulders were healed. Short legs grew, sprains were healed and deaf ears opened! We shared words of knowledge and watched as the Holy Spirit counseled those who have been lost in depression. Most people with sickness were 100% healed or had a significant change in the state of their health, others that could not test out their ailments promised to let us know of their development. Four people were lead to the Lord and many were interested in more encounters and meetings with Christians, who they usually want to avoid. The most common response from those we encountered was: “There is something different about you guys.” “I feel a warmth and light coming from you.” We will share more detailed testimonies soon.

This year on the Saturday evening we had the opportunity to share from the Expo’s main stage. Tony & Robyn shared the testimony about the miracle birth of their sons and about the will of God to heal all people. Then Tony asked a lady to come up on stage from the audience to receive healing for a problem with her neck. She was healed on the stage in front of all watching. Some of the ministry team from Freedom Life then proceeded to share some ‘words of knowledge’ that they felt God was wanting to address that evening. Kaye shared a word regarding a headache specifically on the right side of the head but there was no immediate response in the audience and then Luke asked if someone else was struggling with a problem in their knee. A lady quickly jumped up and came to the stage, she was suffering with one shorter leg than the other. So right there on stage we prayed for her with her husband closely watching, her leg grew out to the same length as her other leg and her associated back pain was healed instantly. After the time on stage two women approached the booth one with the headache as Kaye called out earlier and the other with knee issues. These women were a bit hesitant to go up on stage at the time, but both were totally healed afterwards at the booth. A few more people from the audience headed to the booth after saying “You guys are the real deal!” Yes we do, to all who supported us—YOU ARE HEROES—Thank you for stepping out.
