In the mid 1990s we, together with our friend Rob Rufus took off on an outreach trip to India with a contingent of Aussies, a few South Africans and a couple of Americans. None of us had been there before, in fact in was our first trip to the sub-continent. We ventured to the mountains of the North East to visit a couple who had recently planted a church there, hitting the streets daily to speak to people about Jesus. Following this Robyn and I led a team of around 20 people on a tour back to Delhi, Jaipur and Agra where again we hit the streets and had opportunity to encounter a people steeped in religious bondage, fearful of offending any of the 300 million deities they worship. We saw terrible deformities, open displays of demonic activity and the evidence of centuries of caked on deception. Trying to connect with and minister to these people was a challenge, most of our team were daunted, some were fearful, others reveled in the opportunity. We saw a number of healings and people respond to the Gospel. But the biggest change came to those who left the safety of their Australian homes to venture into unknown territory. Every person was radically changed. They discovered a new found love for the lost people of the world, their hearts began to beat with the heart of God. They saw the terrible effects of demonic bondage and caught a desire to see people set free. They had actively engaged in the discipling of all nations and they would never be the same as a result.

The word seed is used multiple times in the Bible. It’s used to describe the Word of God, faith and inheritance. In Galatians Paul the Apostle uses the word to describe Jesus and then tells us we are indeed of the same seed. Jesus said if you have faith as small as a grain of mustard seed you can achieve anything. Planted within us is the very faith of Jesus, a faith that is holy, pure and perfect which is great news because it means we can rely on a faith that is all powerful. Not only that but within us all is a seed, in fact multiple seeds of potential greatness. For those who traveled with us to India, those seeds began to bear fruit. They discovered faith they did not think they had. Words flowed that they did not think they could speak. Healing prayers came that they had never uttered before.

This month we again venture to the Conscious Living Expo, another opportunity for faith to be exercised, for the Great Commission to be realized, for normal everyday people to take on the mantle of the supernatural enabling of heaven, to release from within those seeds of greatness. I encourage you all to take the opportunity. Acknowledge what has been given to you, understand it’s yours and action that belief. We need you and so do the searching, lost, hurting people of Perth. If you can’t go in person please support us in prayer. If you can’t give time, please help us financially as this venture does cost us. Following the Expo Robyn and I shall be traveling to Malaysia to attend a Seeds of Greatness leaders gathering followed by a Glory and Grace conference. Please pray for us that it would be a fruitful time.

Blessings to you all.
