“this place” you are in right now (Freedom Life/Perth City) can be likened to a volcano in that what appears to be dormant to the natural eye, is brewing a fire on the inside, quietly rumbling. — In the same way that a volcano can erupt very suddenly, “this place” will erupt with the Fire of God from the inside out, and into the city and nations. — Just like the lava from a volcano splashes out and lights everything on fire below and surrounding the volcano, the same will happen in the spirit to the surrounding people of Perth, Australia and the Nations. — I think it’s evident God is wanting to do something special our hearts and I’m reminded of a famous quote by John Wesley- “Set yourselves on fire, and people will come for miles to watch you burn.” Not that we set ourselves on fire, rather we yield to God’s heart in us and by the Spirit, He sets us ablaze with enthusiasm, passion, power, love and fire! It’s contagious, and it’s not just 1 or 2 people its a whole family of believers.

On the Day of Pentecost 120 believers were praying in an upper room. Closed away and perhaps with some fear of persecution they experienced the sound, wind and fire of heaven. The Holy Spirit had come just as Jesus promised He would. These few men and women now filled with Gods love, joy and power burst out onto the streets of the city with such vibrant enthusiastic praise so those around thought they were drunk. This was an amazing party that left an indelible mark on the whole city. 3000 people were saved and baptized, within hours hundreds of others were healed, the church was birthed in a volcanic explosion of heavens glory and the world would never be the same.

As God continues to speak to us prophetically, I am reminded of these Book of Acts experiences. Surely God does want to see His church walking in this same dynamic power today. Jesus gave us the promise that as we go into the world His power, authority and presence would go with us. In October we have the opportunity to take the Good News of the Gospel into places where it would not ordinarily be heard. To pray for the sick, lonely, hurting and desperately searching people of our city. Miracles occur as we step out in faith with Gods love and healing power. This is a challenge but also a great opportunity.
