Get ready Freedom Life! and check the soil, check the soil of your heart to receive all that I want to do in and through you. Be vulnerable, dismantle your barriers of protection that has stopped my seed from being formed in you. Be willing to look foolish for me. And I will do the amazing in you.

I will give birth to a new life of glory and creativity. A new prototype of church and Christian walk that has been from the beginning but never seen manifest on Earth. Walk in my ways, walk in my heart, walk in compassion, walk in my glory and I will walk in you, and through you to meet a generation of rebels who are being set up for an encounter of the third heaven kind.

I am building a multi-cultural church where there is a uniting of all races and all cultures under the one head, Christ. A church full of children, with inspirational teachers of the Kingdom. You will see people who you never imagined turning to Jesus giving up their entire life for the sake of the church. You will see people who have left the church returning with a new found fire and devotion. Those who have been faithful, their faithfulness will increase all the more and they will be pillars in the house, support structures for the generations to come. And I have commissioned my ministering angels of healing and restoration to this house, they will partner with you and are committed to the purpose of seeing the broken, sick and hurt restored to wholeness.

This is my word, this is my dream, and I will see it come to pass through my faithful ones. My hand of deliverance is strong. My face shines so bright, no form of darkness can prevail against me. No weapon will ever endanger me, I will always prosper for I cannot be beaten. Do not fear darkness, do not be overwhelmed by the worries of the world. Be in awe of my glory. Become the object of my goodness. Let me overwhelm you with my majesty. This is my word, this is my dream, and I will see it come to pass through my faithful ones.

Be encouraged Freedom Life as God is extending an invitation to us to reap a harvest of glory. God is preparing his Bride, he is on the move so we cannot afford to take light of his words otherwise we will miss what he is releasing in this season. I truly believe the Father is breathing fresh seeds of revival into the hearts of people accross Perth, and the atmosphere is being electrified with realisations of the inevedable truth that Heaven is invading Earth. So again be encouraged, be inspired and empowered to live for the purposes of the King and His KIngdom.

