At the beginning of creation God created Adam and Eve, He told them to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth and subdue it. That command came with the ability and the authority to do exactly that. The earth was populated and so Adam became the father and Eve the mother of all mankind.

Eve instilled and released in her offspring the inherent ability of motherhood. That maternal drive has fashioned families, it has protected and nurtured children, it has released compassion, mercy, love and care to orphans, to the homeless, to the desperate and destitute.

Apart from Eve, Mary, the mother of Jesus is the most famous mother in history. She was married at perhaps age 14, regarded today as extremely young in our western society. She lived with the stigma of a “pre-marital” pregnancy. She watched her son grow, mature and leave home, embarking on a life mission that would change the course of history. She watched as her son’s popularity grew, as he was esteemed, exalted and worshiped, only to see him eventually ridiculed, scorned and crucified. Yet through it all Mary was willing to trust in God, to hold on to the promise that her son would be the Saviour of the world.

Mary was indeed an extraordinary woman, an extraordinary mother. Yet her sacrificial life is mirrored in the lives of so many other woman. Our mothers hold such a critical role in the development of our children. Future politicians, heads of state, businessmen and women, future Apostles, Prophets and Pastors, young people who will grow to be world influencers. Mary raised her son with tender love and affection, and with an excited anticipation for his future. Jesus response was one of continual honour and respect for his mother, he understood the pressures and sacrifices involved in motherhood, as he hung on the cross, he made a priority of ensuring his mother would be cared for. As we celebrate mothers day this May 10th let us honour, love and bless our mothers, it is not a day to celebrate the tradition, but it can open our eyes to celebrate our mothers everyday.

There are times when only a Mother’s love can understand our tears,
Can soothe our disappointments and calm all our fears.
There are times when only a Mother’s love can share the joy we feel,
When something we have dreamed about quite suddenly is real.
There are times when only a Mother’s faith can help us on life’s way,
And inspire in us the confidence we need from day to day.
For a Mother’s heart and a Mother’s faith and a Mother’s steadfast love,
Were fashioned in the heavens and sent from God above.

– Michael Olakunle Adesanya –

God Bless You all—and especially our mothers.
