We live in such a discouraging world, almost all the news and media concentrate on the negative events that we are surrounded with every day. In the church it must be different. One of the practical, yet very “spiritual” ways we can love is to live a life of Encouraging others. Encouragement together with affection and compassion forms part of the foundation of every biblical church. When true encouragement is given there is an inner strengthening of resolve, courage, security, hope and joy that is imparted. People feel loved, needed, useful and a find a greater sense of destiny and desire to serve the purposes of God and His church.

How do we effectively Overcome Discouragement and Encourage Others?

1. Face the Bully of Discouragement—Remember the devils tactic will always be to discourage you, victory can only come as you face the situation. “If God is for us who can be against us” 1 Cor 1:21 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ .. He anointed us (gave us the ability and strength)

2. See Every Situation Through the Eyes of God—Remind Yourself of who you are in God. Eph 1:3-14 Encourage Yourself in God—David found this to be the only solution to his discouragement. 1 Sam 30:6 We need to feed ourselves on God’s goodness, on His declarations about us, 1 Cor 1:9 ; Phil 1:6 His promises to us and the Covenant of Blessing He has proclaimed to us. 2 Cor 1:20;

3. Live Encouraged—We live encouraged by growing in our confidence in God himself. In His unchanging and Faithful Nature. In His Covenant promises to us. In His plans for our lives. In His past deliverances, protection, provision and blessings. In His unfailing Word. Rom 15:4; Isa 55:11

4. Be Part of an Encouraging Church—no man is an island, we were never designed to live apart from the encouragement and loving fellowship of others. Heb 3:13;Heb 10:24-25

Become an Encourager: How do we do this in practical terms?

1. Speak Life Giving Words—impart words of grace to each other. Silence or lack of encouragement can often be seen as disapproval. Our task as believers is to put courage into others. Even Jesus received verbal approval from God the Father at certain points in his life, if he needed that—so do we! Words of encouragement do more than cheer people up but can instill faith that can even lead to a release of the miraculous.

2. Encourage others by Serving Them—using the practical gifts and talents that we have to serve others can be a tremendous encouragement. Meals, handy-man jobs, baby-sitting, cleaning, gardening etc.

3. Pray, Contribute, Worship—become involved in the fellowship.
