Many have heard of the man Smith Wigglesworth who ministered so powerfully around the world in the early 20th century. A relatively uneducated man who made a living as a plumber, he was catapulted onto the world stage following his Baptism in the Holy Spirit at age 48. Miracles, signs and wonders became the norm in his meetings. All manner of sickness and disease were healed. The oppressed set free and even the dead raised. His approach was often unorthodox and he regularly endured heated criticism and opposition. He was refused access to some churches, thrown out of others and even banned from some countries. Yet no one can deny the amazing healing miracles and the 10,000s saved through his ministry.

Over the years people have studied his life to find his secret, some have postured that he had a “special anointing” and an unusual “gift of faith”. Yet Wigglesworth himself simply spoke of the power of the Word of God and God’s ability to fulfill it. He was certainly a man of faith, but his faith rested on the faithfulness of God to honour His Word. He wrote:

“Never compare this book with other books. This book is from Heaven. It does not contain the Word of God; it IS the Word of God. It is supernatural in origin, eternal in duration and value, infinite in scope and Divine in authorship. Read it through! Pray it in! Write it down!”

His firm belief was that if believers based their lives on these truths, all things would be possible. He read little other than the Bible. In marked contrast many believers today are scripturally illiterate. Few read their Bibles, less take them to Church, relying on passages being quoted or flashed up on a screen. It is a proven fact however, especially with regard to Biblical truth, we retain far more of what we read than what we hear. In fact, when we give ourselves to memorizing key scriptures, we are arming ourselves with a powerful spiritual weapon, supernatural divine words that empower, strengthen and edify. He is quoted as saying;

“Some people like to read their Bible in Hebrew or Greek, but I like to read mine in the power of the Holy Spirit” He goes on to say; “As you do this, you are sowing in your heart seeds, which the Spirit of God can germinate. You must be so soaked with the Word of God, you must be filled with it, that you yourself become a living epistle, known and read of all men.”

Let’s be a people who live in the Word, honour it, believe it and live it.

This month we have the privilege of having a man of the Word with us. Don’t forget to prioritize Rob & Glenda Rufus’ visit with us – 26th-28th April. Come expecting to receive.
