We live in a world that indoctrinates us to always want more. More money, more status and fame, more possessions, more leisure time, more, more, more! People are so often taught to react, to feel as paupers, plagued by thoughts of victimhood and a poverty orphan spirit. They deserve more and somehow it’s the more well off or those in perceived positions of authority and power who have schemed to withhold what others “rightly” deserve.

The exhortation we find in the Bible is that there is more. We can never exhaust God’s love, His goodness, grace and mercy that He lavishly pours out upon us. It’s always flowing, yet we do not always realize it or receive it. Deep within every human being is the realization that there is indeed more to life than what we may currently be experiencing. However that need will never be satisfied by attaining more possessions or fame or fortune. Getting more of what currently does not satisfy will never fill the void or need deep within.

C.S. Lewis famously quoted: “If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world”

When we understand we were created for fellowship with God and that the whole purpose of Jesus incarnation and sacrifice was to restore that relationship, we begin a journey that takes us into the “more”.  Many Christians prayed what is referred to as the sinners prayer. They received Jesus as Saviour, but sadly they never enter into the “more” of truly discovering Jesus. When the disciples were afraid of being left alone as Jesus spoke of his imminent departure, He encourages them with the promise of The Comforter. The Holy Spirit will come to you, he will live with you and be IN you. He will take from what is mine and make it known (experientially) to you. This was Jesus promise of the “more” Yes Jesus would leave them, he would ascend to heaven but they would not be left as orphans, they were about to become rich beyond measure.

In the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Colossians he writes of the supremacy and all sufficiency of Christ. His argument is that in Christ, Christians already have everything that the false sects of Gnosticism, Asceticism, Paganism and the legalistic Judaistic practices of the day strived for but could never deliver. In Christ is found wholeness, fullness, perfection and satisfaction. “In Christ is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” and it was in Jesus that all the fullness of the deity lived in human form. We are born again because of Jesus. Forgiven and sanctified because of Jesus. We have been given His righteousness, he is the source of our life, Eternal life is found in and through him alone. He alone is the Way to the Father, He alone is perfect Truth. Religious rules and pious sacrifices are insufficient to give us access to the riches that are available to us through Jesus. The more we discover Him, the more we experience Heaven’s riches. There is more. More than we will ever need. The “more” is Jesus. Seek Him and enjoy the journey.
