For many years a popular party game was “Who AM I ?” In fact it morphed into a TV show called Celebrity Heads, where a panel donned hats emblazoned with celebrities names which they had to guess by asking a series of questions. We live in confused times where there is much debate over gender and identity. While it’s safe to say that the vast majority of Christians are settled in their own gender identification, many are still unsure about their true identity. God however is not confused, he made us to be who we are, yet His estimation of us is beyond what we have imagined. As God cannot lie and His word is true, the best way to discover who we truly are is to know what God thinks and says about us. Below is what God says about you – and what we should therefore declare about ourselves.

I am a saint, a trophy of Christ’s victory
I am born again of imperishable seed
I am seated with Christ in heavenly realms
I am summoned by name and I am His
I am dead to sin and alive to God
I am free from guilt and condemnation
I am righteous, holy and blameless!
I am healed and I am strong in the Lord
I am my Beloved’s and He is mine
I am the head and not the tail
I am a new creation
I am complete in Christ and perfect forever
I am a child of God
I am the apple of my Father’s eye
I am one with the Lord
I am the temple of the Holy Spirit
I am eternally redeemed
I am completely forgiven
I am hidden in Christ
I am eternally secure
I am loved with an everlasting love
I am highly favored
I am blessed with every spiritual blessing
I am a joint heir with Christ
I am a king and a priest
I am a carrier of the Lord’s authority
I am as bold as a lion
I am more than a conqueror
I am a tree planted by the water
I am a fruitful branch
I am the salt of the earth
I am a light to the world
I am His royal ambassador
I am a missionary to the world
I am qualified, chosen and anointed
I am a Royal Priest

I am a competent minister of the new covenant. I’m a stranger on earth, a citizen of a city whose maker is God. I am not looking back but I am pressing on to know Him more and I’m trusting that He will finish in me that which He started. I am a healer of the sick and a demon’s worst nightmare. I’m a God appointed king of the world because His victory is mine! I am a towering testimony of the Spirit’s power. I am the sweet smell of Jesus to those who are perishing. I’m a carrier of glory and a releaser of Heaven on earth.

I am the disciple whom Jesus loves. And by the grace of God I am what I am.

God bless you all as together we grow to become all that God declares we are.
