Welcome back home to all those who travelled to Hong Kong for the Glory and Grace Conference. This was the third conference I have attended and each time God has shown himself in new and amazing ways. The faith and expectation of people was so great that you could feel it. The very air was electric with excitement of what was going to happen, in this environment there was no doubt God was going to do something awesome. I pray that this same buzzing expectation would fill our life, not just when we go to a conference not even just on a Sunday but every day we wake up and the very air around us is filled with excitement about what our awesome God is going to do.

Faith and expectation attracted Gods presence and glory, from the very first song God came in many signs and wonders and manifestations which increased throughout the week and spilled out into the surrounding streets and beyond. There were many testimonies of healings and people being saved between sessions. God spoke to me personally on so many levels, probably the thing that blessed me the most was seeing guys from here being touched and transformed as they experienced God.

There is one picture I would like to share that God has entrenched into my Spirit over the last couple weeks. I saw myself sitting on Gods lap facing sideways. As I was sitting there I asked ‘God, can I look into your face? I want to look into your eyes’ I tried to turn my head towards Him but for some reason I couldn’t turn my head. I had this vision again the next morning, later that day I had the same vision again and this time I asked ‘God, why can’t I look into your face?’ God responded ‘you are too heavy, you are carrying too much’ I then saw myself standing before God wearing what I can only describe as a heavenly robe and crown. He said to me ‘the reason why you (and so many others) can’t look into my face is because you are carrying too much, you are carrying things that you were never meant to carry. The only things I want you to carry are my robe and crown.’ Straight away I knew the robe represented the righteousness of Jesus and the crown represented the sonship of God – heirs of God. Instantly I felt the peace, love and weighty presence of God.

God showed me by experience that coming into the throne room and looking into the face of God is possible for everyone. Because of the righteousness and sonship we have inherited freely by what Jesus has done out of His great love for us. We have complete access to all the realms of heaven right now, including the face of God. The glory and grace conference was a great time for experiencing the realness of God and it really gives you the awareness of our great big God with whom nothing is impossible.

I’m sure the experience was for many a time that will not be soon forgotten.

Report from Luke.
