Amazingly we find ourselves again at the end of another year, it does seem as we get older time is speeding up. Most live very busy lives and the pace is undeniably increasing. The Christmas time with all it’s rush needs to be balanced with times of reflection and rest, although for most this will not be the case. In the usual mode people are rushing here and there, buying presents, arranging holidays, special dinners and family functions. In the rush of the season we should stop and give God thanks for what we have seen Him do during this year, we give thanks for the people saved, the many touched by His healing power, the many encouraged and lifted by His grace, love and goodness. What a privilege it has been for us to partner as colabourers with Jesus in seeing a little bit of heaven touch earth.

Traditionally Christmas is a time when people remember the birth of the baby Jesus. For many, Christianity is simply the acknowledgement of Jesus, however there is a significant difference between the historical Jesus and the Risen Christ. We can believe in the Jesus who was born in a manger, we can believe in the Jesus who walked the earth and performed extraordinary miracles. Yet we see Him not just as a little baby but as the Risen Saviour, Lord and King. It is this truth that sets us apart from every other religion, for all other religious leaders have died, their bodies turning to dust in ancient graves. Jesus Christ did not remain in a tomb, but conquered death and rose again. Christianity therefore is not simply a belief in a historical figure, but a belief in the Risen Son of God. Paul explains this very truth in regard to salvation. Romans 10:9 if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Many would profess to be part of the Christian faith, yet perhaps Christmas Day will be the only time they attend a church meeting for the year. True faith is not a casual remembrance or acknowledgement that Jesus was born at a particular time of year. True faith is the acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Saviour, where that acceptance leads to a total reliance, trust and dependence upon Him, birthed not in academic information or knowledge, but in a real growing personal relationship.

Together our prayer, especially at this time of year is that people all over our city and nation would come to a saving knowledge and experience true faith in Jesus Christ. Let us take every opportunity to share the real meaning of Christmas with all those we come in contact with.

God Bless You all – may you have a blessed Christmas.
