Over the past few weeks I have again fielded several emails and phone calls from people outside our church community asking what our stance is on grace, salvation and obedience. I’ve had questions such as – does grace mean we can sin and get away with it? Does God turn a blind eye to sin under grace? Isn’t it true that we must work out our own salvation? Don’t we have to work at becoming holy to prove ourselves? Does the regular practice of Holy Communion cleanse us?

The premise behind all of these questions is really one of self righteousness. I’m sure some of those people are asking out of a genuine desire to find truth and be free of the torment of never feeling right in their relationship with God. Some have been appreciative and have gone away armed with helpful scriptures that I trust will truly set them free. Sadly others have become argumentative as I’ve tried to help them see just what transpired at the Cross and that Jesus has done it all for us.

More and more I see the terrible consequences of religious indoctrination that does nothing to draw people closer to a loving God, but rather reinforces a distorted, corrupted and debilitating regime of performance based religion. Each time I see this I become even more angry with that demonic veil of deception that blinds people to the truth and power of God’s grace to us.

For this reason I believe we must become even more bold, articulating without compromise yet with gracious patience the wonderful Good News of the Gospel. According to Colossians 2:15 Paul says He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. Every religious performance requirement was nailed to the Cross with Jesus, while Jesus body was removed from that Cross to miraculously rise again, those old Law requirements remained firmly nailed, dead and powerless to all who have put their trust in Jesus Christ. Paul goes on to say in Romans 10:4 Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. According to Romans 3:22 that perfect righteousness was given as a gift to everyone who believes. What a sad thing to see so many believers who really love God caught in this “no mans land” between believing that Gods grace can save – but struggling to believe that His grace can keep them saved! Living in fear of a pending judgment that they have no confidence to face. Living under the weight of repetitive confession and observing religious traditions in order to keep their salvation and to “feel” worthy.

What the modern day church needs is confident Christians demonstrating the liberty of New Covenant life, Churches that trumpet loudly “God is not angry with you” He loves you and wants you to live free in the limitless glory and wonder of His Kingdom through faith in what Jesus has accomplished. Let us be that people.
