Psalm 31:19 How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you. In the shelter of your presence you hide them from the intrigues of men; in your dwelling you keep them safe from accusing tongues. Praise be to the LORD, for he showed his wonderful love to me. ( v21 AMP – Blessed be the Lord! For He has shown me His marvelous loving favor)

As we enter 2020, with its fresh challenges and changes, I believe it’s timely to remind ourselves of God’s unfailing love, favour and goodness toward us. This Psalm declares that He has stored up blessing for us – not to be poured out in heaven but to be showered down on us now, on this earth, in this lifetime.

Who is it for?
All who fear Him, that doesn’t mean we’re afraid of God, but rather reverence; hold in awe; honour; and worship Him. It’s a promise for all who choose to take refuge in Him – when we are born again we are included and baptized into Christ, we have already been hidden in Christ.

When we hide ourselves in the truth of being in Him, and in the truth that we are highly favoured and loved – we are blessed beyond measure.

What does His promise of blessing include?
Peace, joy, strength, provision, wisdom and understanding. A promise of restored dreams, hopes and aspirations. It’s a promise of every spiritual blessing, all we need for life and godliness. The promise of eternal life and fulfillment.

The Greek word for Salvation is “Solteria” and it shows us in a very descriptive way just what we are blessed with when we come to know Jesus.

  • Spiritual & eternal deliverance
  • Deliverance from sickness
  • Preservation & protection
  • Wholeness, Completeness, Full
  • Provision
  • Absolute pardon
  • Soundness
  • Health
  • Liberty
  • Perfection
  • Restoration of all things
  • With nothing missing, nothing broken.

It has almost the same meaning as the Hebrew word – “Shalom” Our understanding of Shalom is one of peace, or peace to you. But the real meaning is not a human peace, it’s actually God’s peace – to be blessed with God’s peace. Being at peace with Him because of our unity with Jesus is the greatest blessing of all.
