He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

What a great end to October we have had. As I look back over the past 3 weeks it has been very encouraging to see so many people stepping out, stepping over “the chicken line” and ministering to others. A huge thank you to all those involved in the Conscious Living Expo. Having the opportunity to pray for many sick and hurting people was truly a privilege. We saw quite a number of people touched by the goodness and power of God.
At least 7 people had short legs grow, several of them being born with the condition, many backs were healed, a man with a broken toe and in pain was instantly healed, frozen shoulders, neck pain, and even a lady with serious eye problems regained her sight. An extra thrill was to see several people receive Jesus. Watching people’s reactions as the love of God flooded over them was so fulfilling. Many began to weep, all were appreciative.

We also celebrate what God has been doing amongst us in Freedom Life as well. I saw at least 4 legs grow and other people healed last week. One man who had an operation years ago to lengthen one of his legs, but which didn’t give him the desired results was healed as his legs became even, his back pain left and he is standing tall.
Another young lady who had been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst had a scan this week and the doctors could find nothing, thank you Jesus. Rita was also healed after 20 years of double vision in her right eye. These are great miraculous healings that God has done among us and through us. Every time we give him glory and honour for his unfailing goodness, every time we testify to his miraculous power we set the stage for the same thing to happen again. Let us continually give Him thanks for all he has done and is doing.

On November 25th World Vision is promoting “Abolitionist Sunday. While I believe our primary call is to minister into the spiritual needs of people there is also much in scripture that refers to caring for the downtrodden, the poor and the hungry and bringing justice to the oppressed. Isa 58:6 says “Is this not the kind of fasting I have chosen, to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke. Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor with shelter” We may not be able to impact many people in these categories personally, but we can pray for those who are involved on the ground. Jesus came to set the oppressed free, his reference is a spiritual one but there is a definite need to see those emotionally and physically oppressed and exploited come into a life of freedom and equality. It is hard to believe that human trafficking and slavery is still a part of our world but sadly it is. We have some small tear off registration cards that can be sent to your local MPs calling for increased action to be taken. I would encourage you to take one, fill it out and send it off.
