The writer to the Hebrews penned the following exhortation:

Hebrews 10:23-25 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

These words were written to a group of believers who were being tempted to revert back to Judaism or to include aspects of the Old Covenant Law system into the Gospel, thus compromising the truth of the liberating Good News. The urging to keep meeting together was a safeguard in this matter, corporate worship, prayer and the systematic study and application of scripture interpreted through the lens of grace was seen as paramount to a healthy stable Church community. Earlier in Chapter 4 there is a warning to enter and stay in the “Sabbath Rest” That rest is Jesus himself, any departure from the message of grace is a stepping away from that rest which can only result in human religious striving. Isolation from mutual encouragement can often result in a drifting away from what is important. The past 4 months have been challenging for many as we faced severe restrictions preventing our gathering together. Now that these restrictions have eased it is important for us to heed these words of Hebrews 10.

The early Church in Jerusalem certainly understood this same principle. In Acts 2:42-46 we read that the disciples devoted themselves to gathering together to pray, worship, study the Word and to celebrate the Victory of Calvary. They did so in large public gatherings and in smaller groups in their homes. The result was a strong homogenous community that despite some persecution remained strong and unified. As a result “there were no needy among them” and the church continued to grow. While we have had the advantage of technology that has enabled us to continue to connect safely at least to some degree it can never replace that communal feeling of physically being together.

As we come out of our “lock-down” we do so with an air of anticipation at being together again. While there are still some health requirements that we must adhere to I encourage everyone of you who call Freedom Life home to please make our Sunday gatherings your weekly priority. Our re-start will come with some challenges, re-establishing our routines and commitment to setting up equipment and seating, packing down and cleaning up, all while maintaining our sense of purpose and joy. Yet it is the Church that is heaven’s representative force on earth. Faithful believers displaying Christ-likeness gathering together with passionate expressions of worship and devotion. Praying together, growing together and changing the spiritual atmosphere around us.

God Bless – Tony
