Scripture gives us some insight as to what Heaven will be like, a place where there is no sorrow or pain, no sickness or death, no anger or hatred. A place of rich beauty and contentment. There are times I believe that God desires us to just sit and let our imaginations run wild with the delights and adventures that await us. Yet the Bible also shows us that at least in some realistic measure we can see and experience heaven now. Jesus was the living proof that the Government of Heaven could be experienced on earth. There was nothing that limited Jesus, he did extraordinary miracles that were natural to him, they appeared amazing to those around because they were governed by the thinking and limitations of the kingdom of this world, their senses and expectations were limited, blinded to the reality of a superior Kingdom. Isaiah 9:7 speaking prophetically about Jesus— “and of the increase of his government there will be no end.” The rule and reign, the government of heaven was never meant to diminish after Jesus ascended to heaven, it was always meant to increase.

Colossians 1:12-13 says the Father has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. We have been translated from an evil demonic kingdom ruled by the devil and given an inheritance in God’s kingdom, a government that brings life, liberty and joy. That transformation gives us amazing advantages in life, it positions us for success, it qualifies us as agents of God’s kingdom releasing kingdom life wherever we go.

Romans 5:17 says those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. We were born again, made new creations so that we would reign. Reigning speaks of rulership and authority. Jesus showed us clearly what is was to reign in this life, bringing the reality of another Government on the earth. Romans 8:19 says creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. We are not to remain as mere immature children, but we are to rise as mature Sons of God, we do so as we gain revelation of His great power that is at work in us, His government is now resident in and operates through us.

At this Easter season we remember the death and ultimate sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf, but we also celebrate the resurrection of our triumphant Saviour. He has redeemed us, justified and sanctified us, giving us not only an exciting new future, but also a brand new past free of all guilt and condemnation. He has qualified us as sons and heirs, fully qualified to carry a life changing message to a world that needs to hear it, backed up by the power of heaven that is now available to us. “Storming hell — to populate heaven”
