Galatians 5:22 The fruit of the Spirit is – love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self control….Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is… righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

God’s desire is that we live with a real tangible experience of the Kingdom of God. That experience should transform us into the image of Jesus in ever increasing measures of his glory and grace. This is then evidenced in us through obvious and on-going character changes. The Bible speaks of these as the “Fruit of the Spirit” None of us can effectively change ourselves, true inner change is wrought by the Holy Spirit, this change is determined by our submission to him and by our reception of the divine gift available to us of his transforming nature. Only as we receive his love can we begin to walk in his love. Without a revelation of the unconditional love of God, we will fail to enjoy God. His joy in us comes as we understand more fully just how wonderful the Good News of the Gospel really is. The New Covenant is truly a covenant of better promises. True Spiritual Joy is not based on emotions or temporary possessions; it is not even based on success in life. True Spiritual Joy has it’s foundation in God himself, on the revelation of what he has done for us and in our deepening relationship with him. True spiritual joy is a joy that can remain, that can sustain, and that can overcome any and all obstacle, circumstance or hardship. It overcomes grief, sorrow, doubt and fear.

Spiritual Joy is :
1. Divine in Nature – it has it’s origin in God alone
2. Releases Supernatural Strength
3. Is a Divine Weapon against both spiritual heaviness and emotional sadness
4. Provides Supernatural Protection – against fear, doubt, guilt and condemnation.

Why should we be joyful ? 
Salvation. Released from the curse of the law. We have the Gift of Eternal Life. We have been re-made, we are new creations. Adopted as children of God, totally accepted. Heirs to all the promises of God. Forgiven of all our sin, forever. Every Spiritual Blessing is ours. We are seated in heavenly places. Been given the Gift of the Holy Spirit. We are being transformed into the image of Jesus. We have true spiritual authority, and hundreds of other reasons.

What are some of the Evidences of Joy 
A Happy Face – Prov 15:13;30. Laughter – Ps 126:2 Singing – Ps 71:23 Ps 98:4 Sustaining Power – Heb 12:2 Strength – Neh 8:10 Boldness – Acts 1:8 Richer Fellowship – Acts 2:42-47 May we ever be changing into the image of Jesus.
