“All it takes for the forces of evil to invade and triumph—is for good people to do nothing.” How true that is not only in the secular world but also in the realm of the invisible. There is an invisible world around us, one of life, joy and goodness flowing from the Throne of God, and another of sickness, disease, torment and hatred that is perpetrated by the devil.

In our “sophisticated” society this reality is held up by many as fantasy. Yet it is true. Jesus made it clear as he dealt with the effects of that evil regime by conquering sickness and even death. Paul says in Ephesians 6: that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers—he was speaking of the demonic realm of satan that tries to impose it’s illegitimate rule over people’s lives. And it is an illegitimate rule. Paul also tells us of the fact that “we have been rescued from the kingdom of darkness and brought into the kingdom of light” There are two kingdoms at work in this world, but it is no longer a war in the sense that one is still struggling to overcome the other. Jesus has won already. Colossians 2:25 says when Jesus died he disarmed those evil powers and made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. They no longer have any legitimate power, the only power they can feed off is fear, unbelief and ignorance.

If the Church remains passive or skeptical about this invisible realm it will never invade it. Yet that is exactly what we have been called to do, that is what Jesus did.

Everywhere Jesus went crowds followed him, they wanted to be near him, enjoy his company and see what he would do next. They didn’t gather merely for the entertainment or novelty factor. They followed him because there was a constant release of life that emanated from him. He lived with absolute confidence in who he was. Even though he restrained his divinity and operated as a man in all he did, he knew he was an accepted son. That reality empowered him with a confidence to face anything that was against God’s kingdom rule.

When Jesus rose from the grave and ascended into heaven he was given ALL authority and placed as head over the church, (Ephesians 1:20-22) We as Christians have now been deputized and commissioned with His authority to fill the earth with the rule and reign of God. We have been appointed as his ambassadors, his envoys, his agents in the earth to bring heaven’s reign with tangible reality.

Acts 10:38 says that Jesus went around doing good and healing all those who were oppressed by the devil. In John 14: we are encouraged to do the same. This month we as a church will be manning a Divine Healing Booth at the Perth Conscious Living Expo. Our intention is to release the love, compassion and healing power of Jesus. This is our purpose as believers on the earth, to spread the fragrance of Jesus everywhere we go. It’s in the doing that we truly live, find joy and become the hands of Christ to a hurting world. We saw God move mightily last year and our expectation is for the same results this year. If you feel daunted—don’t be. “greater is HE who is in YOU, than he who is the world” We carry within us the Holy Spirit and His wisdom, His anointing is upon us to release His life. May our vision be ever outward and upward seeing HIS kingdom invade the atmosphere around us.
