2000 years ago God’s unfailing love for us caused an eternal plan to be enacted on our behalf. The coming of Jesus Christ, born in a humble stable, to become the sacrifice for us all, this cosmic event displayed the love of God in a way nothing else could. Romans 5:5 says God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. God has poured out his love not only upon us, but also into our very being. God himself is love, He does more than just show affection or concern, He is love, it is the very essence of His being. That means that God has in fact poured himself into our hearts. This should be a constant on-going experience that changes our very nature, character and lifestyle.

Love is more than the flimsy ever changing emotion that we are perhaps familiar with. Biblical love, God’s love is a powerful life-force that changes lives and nations. 1 John 4:11 declares Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. Jesus on several occasions proclaimed a new commandment “to love our neighbours as ourselves”, but he didn’t stop there, he also declared that we should “love our enemies” also. Galatians 5:6 says The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. As Christians, for our love toward God to be valid, it must be expressed in tangible ways. As Christmas approaches people everywhere are reminded of the value of family and friends, others may feel a “religious” twinge and perhaps go to church for their one time of the year.

As we enter this time, where holiday preparations are made, work winds down and other festivities and celebrations organized, it does us well to be reminded of the power of true love, not mere human feelings but divine love given from above. Below is a quick recap of why we should love and the powerful results that can come as we love others.

Why Love?
• God Commands it Matt 22:38
• We are known by our love John 13:35
• Love strengthens the Fellowship Eph 4:15-16
• Releases the Blessings of God Ps 133
• Promotes Sacrificial Service 1 Thess 2:8

What Love Does
• Releases Life 1 John 4:9
• Releases the presence of God John 14:23
• Fulfills the OT law Rom 13:8
• Releases complete Joy John 15:9-12
• Enables us to know God better 1 John 4:7
• We are made Complete 1 John 4:12-16
• Destroys all fear 1 John 4:18
• Keeps our minds focused Col 3:1-20

God Bless you as you display His love to others, Tony
