This month we have the privilege of having Brian Simmons with us. Brian is a true pioneer and a spiritual Father to many. Together with his wife Candice their teaching and spiritual gifts have opened doors in many nations to take the message of authentic awakening and revival to many. For the last 40 years they have labored together to present Christ in His fullness wherever God sends them. After a dramatic conversion to Christ in 1971 Brian answered the call of God to leave everything behind and become a missionary to the tribes. Taking his wife and three children to the jungle of Central America they pioneered church plants for many years with the Kuna people group. As a linguist, Brian also was the co translator for the Kuna New Testament. Upon their return to the USA they planted Gateway Christian Fellowship which they pastored for some 18 years before venturing into full time itinerant ministry. Brian has written a number of books including the much acclaimed “The Passion Translation”.

Late last year Brian gave a prophetic word for Australia, below are the main points of that word:

The land down under will become one of the most desirable places to live on earth as the Holy Spirit begins to fall, kissing the hearts of His worshippers. Throughout your nation, the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, a wave of God’s favor is about to sweep over you.

1.Australia will experience an immediate Holy Spirit shift that could be compared to the WINDOWS of Heaven being open over your nation.

2.Australia will be a healing center. Many healings will come to the praying Believers who have great faith for healing. The anointing of Smith Wigglesworth, the noted healing evangelist of generations past, will be re-deposited in the Church.

3.Truth will prevail. Aussies love the truth, hate the hype, and have been given great discernment. God has put a root of truth into your DNA. You will help the global Church navigate many thorny theological issues that will soon arise. Authors will be anointed to point us to truth. You will carry the Spirit of Truth and the Word of Truth as discernment flows through you. Never fall back from your calling to preach the truth.

4.The Battle of Hope continues. The Hope of Christ must win over every pocket of fear of the future. I saw Perth give birth to a move of mercy, giving compassion to the Asians that have come to your land. Perth will soon be called “a Global City of Refuge”

5.Judah praises. I see high praises rising from all over the nation.

6.You will move from following the pack to leading the pack. Your leadership calling will not be stifled. An apostolic renewal will come. What was cut short and went dormant will now break forth with new grace as true apostles begin to emerge.

7.The Gift of Fellowship (Mateship). The redemptive calling of Australia is to model community, fellowship, partnership in the Gospel, fighting for your brother and sister, serving them as you display the love of Jesus.
