Arise mighty warriors, arise, can you hear the lost souls cry?
Arise mighty warriors, arise, don’t stand by as the lost souls die
You are strong and mighty because of Jesus in you
You’re not strong and mighty because of anything you do
Put aside those fears and worries today
I know the pain you carry while on your knees you pray
The blood I spilt was enough to quench your thirst
You are victorious because from the grave I burst
The Holy Spirit within you is so strong
His whispers bring forth the greatest song
It’s not just your future and healing He sings
But the whole world into destiny He brings
Do you remember your victory while in strife?
No matter the hardship you’ve gained eternal life
A place of wholeness and goodness awaits you
Will you share this victory with others too?
The scandal of this love is so easy to receive
It’s for the sinners, the lost, those who grieve
Will you put aside your earthly fears?
Share eternal life with those who carry tears
I would have died if it was only to have you with me
But the power is enough for the whole world you see
I am the way, the truth, the life now and forever
I did it all so we can spend eternity together
It’s not about the world’s hatred but my love
And those most unworthy I place above
You know all this, it’s placed in your heart
But at signs of trouble it’s from me you depart
Keep your eyes focused on the throne
It’s not a place of punishment, but home
When you truly see the goodness in me
Sharing this gospel comes easily
Arise mighty warriors, arise, can you hear the lost souls cry?
Arise mighty warriors, arise, don’t stand by as the lost souls die.
