Psalm 68:5 says God is “a father to the fatherless” and he “sets the lonely in families” There is a special place in God’s heart for orphans, He cares for them and desires to see us do the same. Those who have had the misfortune of losing or who have been totally abandoned by their parents are vulnerable to exploitation. Our mandate is to destroy the works of the devil, to pour out the same love and compassion that Jesus showed, lifting the downtrodden and bringing hope where there seems none. We have been called “to all nations” and as a church are looking for effective ways we can reach nations.

This month Michael & Lauren will be relocating to Cambodia to Phnom Penh to help establish a small orphanage, our desire is to see that opportunity develop into a school and a church plant. Sunday 8th will be their last Sunday with us until later in the year. The first few months will be spent establishing themselves in this new community. From there the orphanage proper will begin. In time they will need sponsors to help provide support for the children. If you feel you can help them financially at any time please see Tony. At this stage all donations and cheques should be made to “Freedom Life “ and marked on the back “for Cambodia”
