Imagine a life in which the fire of God so consumes you that you lose all inhibitions, a life in which you charge forth confidently into every day with the assurance that God will guarantee success that day. This life isn’t imaginary. It’s real. When we live from the blazing glory of His love for us, that is the life we can live. While we long to live this way, most of us are actually terrified to do so. Confronted with the opportunity to dance with life, we cling to our inhibitions and fears, skulking in the shadows of un-involvement. We may tap our toes, but our feet are firmly glued to our chairs, we aren’t easily persuaded to get up and dance. There is an abundant life for the taking for those who have the assurance of God’s unconditional love and commitment to us. Revelation of this truth radically changes the way we live.

Everywhere Jesus went crowds followed him, they wanted to be near him, enjoy his company and see what he would do next. They followed him because there was a constant release of life that emanated from him. He lived with absolute confidence in who he was, knowing without doubt the Fathers love, acceptance and commission. That reality empowered him with a confidence to face anything that was against God’s kingdom rule. When Jesus rose from the grave and ascended into heaven he was given ALL authority and placed as head over the church, (Ephesians 1:20-22) We as Christians have now been deputized and commissioned with His authority to fill the earth with the rule and reign of God. We have been appointed as his ambassadors, his envoys, his agents in the earth to bring heaven’s reign with tangible reality.

Next month we all have the opportunity to plunge into a exciting venture, something to get the blood pumping, to see us get out from behind the safety of our chairs and neat little rows. Our purpose as believers on the earth is to spread the fragrance of Jesus everywhere we go. It’s in the doing that we truly live, find joy and become the hands of Christ to a hurting world. The Conscious Living Expo— Oct 17- 20. The last 2 years many of us have ventured out to see God move miraculously among us as we prayed for the lost, broken, sick and hurting. WE NEED THE BRAVE TO STAND UP AGAIN! If you feel daunted don’t be. “Greater is HE who is in you than he who is in the world” We carry within us
the Holy Spirit and His wisdom, His anointing is upon us to release His life. Our vision is to be ever outward and upward seeing His kingdom invade the atmosphere around us. Please see Luke, sign up and get involved in releasing the life and love of God to others.
