Proverbs 29:18 says “without a vision, the people perish” Without vision in life people wander aimlessly, they fall prey to every whim and cause with no real purpose or understanding as to why they exist. The people of God are called to be different. Jesus came to give everyone a purpose a destiny and future. To become the church God desires and fulfill our destiny together we must first discover, articulate and understand God’s vision for us. Below is a simple outline as to the Church we desire to see.

• To be a people who carry the glory and splendour of God.
• To be a people who operate in his miraculous power.
• To be a people passionately committed to living out the Word of God in every aspect of
life despite personal cost or preferences.
• To be a people who impact and transform lives, cities and nations.
• To be a people who build the Church of Jesus in the city of Perth, the nation of Australia
and beyond.
• To be a people passionately committed to advancing the Kingdom fulfilling the Great
Commission by planting churches in every town, city and nation of the earth.
• To be a “Base Church” that can raise and release leaders, teams and resources into the
• To see every person released into their full potential in God – every one a priest, not by
title but by lifestyle.

• A Church that gives it’s young people a strong sense of destiny and purpose –
empowered to make a difference wherever they are.
• A Church full of the life of God. A Life so powerful that it builds strong relationships,
marriages and families.
• A Church that preaches, teaches and lives a grace message of freedom and liberty.
• A Church that practically displays the expression of God’s love, feeding the hungry,
clothing the needy, uplifting the lonely.
• A Church set free to worship and praise God with extravagance and heartfelt passion,
free of religion and tradition.
• A Church that understands the priority of prayer and regularly unites together as priests
in passionate intercession.
• A Church that honours the elderly and values their wisdom and experience.
• A Church that meets in multiple venues – beyond a Sunday meeting, but in suburbs
across our city during the week, continually releasing the life of God.
