God has entrusted each of us with the ability to influence others, we do so in either a positive or negative way. The Church is meant to be a positive influence on the world around it affecting all aspects of life. It presents the true source of hope and life, who is Jesus. Paul tells us we are ambassadors and agents of reconciliation, we carry the words of life and we can demonstrate the love, goodness and power of God. Yet so often the stumbling block for unsaved people is the apparent lack of credibility among Christians.

Paul says to Timothy we should be those who have a “good reputation with both believers and outsiders” Reputation is character, although there is an important difference. Reputation is who people think we are, character is who we really are. DL Moody said “character is who you are in the dark” In other words character is who we are when no one is watching. The key to a good reputation is developing a good character. The problem is this world is so obsessed with appearance that we confuse image with character. So what are the Hallmarks of Godly character that we need to develop in order to influence the world for Jesus?

1. Humility. Pride comes before a fall, it was pride that caused Lucifer to fall, pride is what got Adam in trouble, pride comes in many forms and guises but no matter how it manifests, it’s destructive. James 4:6 says “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble”

2. Dependability. How often do we come across people who promise everything but who don’t deliver. Being a disciple means we can be counted on, we’re reliable and trustworthy, faithful and true.

3. Generous. Proverbs 25:15 says, “Like clouds and wind without rain is a man who boasts of gifts he does not give.” People are not honoured for what they receive, they’re honoured for what they give. Our time, talents, experience, resources.

4. Godly Priorities. The Bible tells us of things that are worth living for, the treasures of this world are transient, here today and gone tomorrow. Paul’s life was one of absolute service, his decisions were made with a knowledge of what was truly important.

5. Integrity. Grace enables us to discard the religious masks that so many Christians feel forced to hide behind. Integrity means we have nothing to hide, there’s no fear of being found out because there’s nothing to find out. How sad to watch so many powerful Ministers come undone as secret sin is discovered.

6. Spiritual Maturity. When God becomes the priority in our life we gain favour not only with God but with man, our influence increases. We don’t earn God’s blessing or love, that comes as a free gift by grace, but we can increase in favour, Jesus did. People are drawn to those who display a genuine love for God.
