We live in an age where so much of life is a compromise. Sadly compromise has even affected the church. Tolerance in areas that should not be tolerated, silence where a voice should be heard. The argument for relevance in our society has often done nothing but weaken the church and reduced committed disciples into emaciated attendees. The message of GRACE is to be heralded far and wide and must continue to be the foundation and priority of every New Testament church, but it can never become an excuse to become spiritually lazy or abdicate our responsibilities as Christians. The early church turned the world upside down with their radical approach to serving God. Within 30 years the entire known world had been touched by the gospel. There is much we can learn and therefore embrace from their example.

1. They were a Body of Believers.
They knew nothing of saved and unsaved practicing a social phenomenon called “church going” They had a clear understanding that they were the church. They were a family of believers, committed to God and to each other. Jesus was truly Lord and they immediately demonstrated this through water baptism, not as an act of church membership, but in submission to Jesus Christ. Their choice to become Christians resulted in them being shunned by family, friends and their community. The church body became family, close knit and in covenant together.

2. They were a Fellowship of Disciples.
Jesus gave the agenda for the church in Matthew 28:19 “go make disciples of all nations” This is the basis of church life. The moment we are saved we are made perfect in God’s sight, justified. A setting apart for God’s service has begun with a corresponding change in our attitudes and behaviour to reflect the nature of Jesus himself. The early church gave themselves to this process unreservedly. Their aim was to become like Jesus, to truly be Christians ( little Christ’s ) not by title but by action and reputation.

3. Regular corporate prayer was a priority of the early church.
Prayer is the life-blood of the biblical church. Prayer is a great weapon. Prayer meetings should be the most important gatherings of the week, especially if we take the reality of spiritual warfare seriously. The local church is a body, it is also an army involved in spiritual conflict. It is at it’s best when it’s members pray fervently together. The early church prayed daily, miracles, advancement, joy, strength and peace were the result.

4. Heartfelt Worship.
Worship is one of our highest callings. We are a Royal Priesthood who offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God. He saved us for his good pleasure and comes among us to receive our love and to delight in our worship. John 4 declares “God is seeking after those who will worship him in spirit and in truth” As the church gathers together it’s goal is to meet with God himself, this requires that we make room for him to presence himself in all his glory. He wants to speak to us through the gifts of the Spirit, encouraging, directing and stirring our hearts. Singing the latest songs is not our aim, but to linger in his presence and satisfy his heart with our love, breaking through the barriers of self consciousness and fear, to worship with abandonment and open our spiritual ears to both hear God’s voice and speak his heart.
