What would your life be like if you began to walk in deeper understanding and manifestation of your God given authority and inheritance? This year you have the potential to surpass every other year. However, it won’t happen automatically. It will require a decision to apply Biblical truth with practical steps. Here’s a few things that I believe can and will change your life and your year.

1. Take Your Rightful Place.
The authority, the power and the attributes of God himself have been imparted to you. Refuse to be defeated and take your rightful place. You have to know who you are in Christ, once you know who you are you will become bold. You can’t walk in authority without boldness. Recognize Jesus in you and speak into your circumstance commanding change. The world tells us we are victims of circumstance and we can do nothing about it. That’s not true for those in Christ, we do have an authority to declare change and victory. No matter what you face speak with faith to your mountain.

2. Know you are a King and a Priest. 
Jesus of course is our Great High Priest and He alone is King over all. But through our divine partnership with him, being made one with him, Jesus declares to us that we also are kings and priests. (Revelation 1:6) Peter also describes this in 1 Peter 2:5-9. we are a Royal Priesthood, a people special to God. Through Jesus death and resurrection he stripped satan of his authority (Col 2:15) and through our union with Jesus he has given to us His authority to rule and reign in life (Rom 5:17) not as battling Christians, but as God appointed kings and priests who carry an authority and anointing to exert dominion. Jesus has deputized us as His body on the earth to extend his Kingdom rule, that starts in our own lives. Rising up as royal priests in our own home, praying and establishing an environment where the Holy Spirit can manifest his power and glory.

3. Decree Your Victory.
How do you exercise dominion? Through words and decisions. Kings make decrees, spiritual kings do so as they hear the Word of God and decide to do it. Start decreeing your own victory, pray, prophesy, declare. Confess (agree with) the promises and prophetic words over your life and family, the devil cannot stop you when you know who you are and just what you carry.

May 2019 be your best year ever!
