From the 18th – 21st of October this year 29 people from Freedom Life organised and manned a booth for the 2nd year running in the Perth Conscious Living Expo. The expo is designed to gather a wide range of people to showcase alternative health, environment and consciousness. We came and setup in the midst of the psychics, crystal healers and fortune-tellers a booth offering free divine healing. A healing that is not from stones, earth forces, ancestry or a higher state of consciousness but a real tangible healing power that flows from what Jesus has done at the Cross. We were amazed at the amount of awesome encounters we had over the 4 days. Below are some of the results from day 1.

Pat walked in to the booth with neck issues, she had pain and found it hard to move her head around. After we commanded her neck to be normal she explained how she felt something cool like an ice pack from our hands going into her neck. The pain had instantly eased 90% off and she could move her neck freely.

Paul came to us with heart troubles, suffering with Angina and feeling worried and stressed. This day Paul gave his life over to Jesus and was ‘born again’ his fears gone.

Wendy sat down in the booth and listed her problems, arthritis in her knees, in her hips, her back and one of her legs was a good 1cm shorter than the other. On top of this she also had a disease which causes her to have trouble breathing, similar to hay fever but all year round. After we prayed right there in front of us her leg grew! it shot out to the same level as the other leg. She stood up and checked her back, it was completely healed, no pain. Her breathing was completely normal and she couldn’t keep in her joy. Her face was lit up with laughter saying how she feels like she is floating, she feels like she is drunk.

Lavaniya came with severe back pain due to a pinched nerve. She left with radically reduced pain.

Esha has suffered with 25 years of degenerative disc disease and after a simple prayer of faith she went on to explain how she felt what she could only describe as ‘Love’ flowing into her whole body. She began laughing and said how she could feel energies opening up inside her and she left feeling incredibly good and light forgetting any pain in her back.

Ingrid was the first person to come in to the booth with pain 7/10 in her foot. She had trouble putting any pressure on her foot. She left with a big smile on her face, the pain had reduced down to a 1-2/10.

Anora cynically came past the booth saying ‘what’s this all about?’ She went on to say how she has very little pain in her hip joints because of her pregnancy. She said her pain level was 1-2/10, we prayed and she didn’t really notice any difference so said her goodbye and kept on walking. After 10 or so steps she turned back with a look of surprise and proclaimed ‘wow actually the pain has all gone!’

Ellen came to us in pain with a pinched nerve in her back, the pain was 7/10. After we commanded the pain to leave and the back to be healed her pain level instantly dropped. She left with pain no more than a 2/10 and she said that the pinched nerve seemed to have gone.

Alice walked into our booth with back, knee and arm pain. She explained how she is scheduled to have an operation due to Bursitis and right then her pain level was 9/10 in her shoulder. After prayer her shoulder was completely released! her short leg grew to the same level as the other and all her back pain had gone.

Anne came in with arthritis accompanied by back and shoulder problems, her current pain level was 5/10. She left completely healed! All pain was gone.

We had the opportunity to pray for dozens and dozens of people throughout the day and not one of them left untouched by the love and joy of God. We prayed for many with diseases and illnesses that we couldn’t test to see any change right then and there, but God is faithful and we believe many of them have been completely healed.

Another incredible testimony is about a man called David who was healed at a music store down the road from the expo. Tony saw David, the store owner, inside the store struggling to walk and asked him to what had happened with the intention of praying for his healing. He went on to say that he had broken his leg 6 months ago and despite doctors attempts his leg had not healed properly. He explained how he was on pain medication but felt like it did nothing, his pain level was 12/10. David agreed to prayer and instantly after with amazement the pain had gone down to a 2/10. He began walking around with very little limp and rang his wife in excitement to share what had just happened. God loves David and had just healed him.

The cool thing is this was just day 1.
